Sunday, February 7, 2010

Update: Jack, Melba, etc.

It's been a while since I last updated you about the Biancatrix lab clan. That's us, Melba, Xelsior, Stellar, Lil Jack and myself your humble servant and most amazing chimp-ion in the world. To recapitulate. Lil Jack is mightily unhappy. And prevents us from having a decent night sleep. Melba has been gathering a certain amount of human clothes (poor guys with their disgusting hairless skin, they're forced to hide it under various ridiculous clothes). Xelsior is watching Rambo on the Internet and wants to blast his way out of here with hand grenade and automatic weapons (But, Xels, we ain't got no hand grenades. Let's build them, he says, pure soul). And Stellar thinks thinks and thinks. Last night she gathers us.
- What's for sure is that the Lil Jack situation can't go on. Agreed?
We all answered with tired, nodding "Ay".
- We need to get out of here. Because I'm, like, so fed up with being locked in here I could kiss a human out of desperation. To get some fresh air. To find Lil Jack's mother.
We were so stunned we could not speak for at least 30 seconds. Then we all talked at the same time for a long time. Nobody could understand nobody and suddenly we were all asleep, no idea how or when we vanished into dreams. We are all very excited, let me tell you. We went about our usual business today: eating, getting a bit of exercise, cleaning ourselves, doing dumb experiments with the Biancatrix' minions. But it was not business as usual. Oh no. The air between us was vibrating with excitement. And about that, more later. OO-OO-AA-AA.

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