Melba pulled her sweetest face trick on me last night, and I was stupid enough to fall for it.
- Listen, Chimp-ion, Jack would loooove to sleep with you tonight... He thinks you're soooo cool.... I'd miss him, but just for a couple of nights, OK?
So Lil Jack came and we slept together. Let me rephrase this: he slept, I didn't. For a start, he couldn't go to sleep. He was sucking his little thumb, schluk schluk schluk schluk. Then he'd take his thumb out and tell me how much he misses him Mom. Yeah, well I've been there, I know what it's like. OK, I wasn't quite as small as Lil Jack, but still. I'd hug him, and cuddle him to quiet him down. Finally he felt asleep. I got ready to sleep, but five minutes later, I had his foot on my nose. Then he rolled over and his stomach was over my mouth. I pushed him off as gently as I could. He woke up and started crying. Stellar immediately starts yelling at me:
- Can't you comfort the poor thing?
Sigh. So I spent another half hour rocking him. Lil Jack is back to sleep. And he rolled all over me the whole night. I didn't want to push him off, as Melba and the others had been really aggravated. Today I'm sleep walking. Melba's giggling in corners. I'll get her for that. So is Stellar. Either I get Xelsior to take Lil Jack with him tonight, or I need to find another solution. More later. Aaaah Ooooooh (tired aaaaah, tired oooooh)
By the way, the image above is me exhausted. I made it on the computer. I know, it looks more like a human, Stellar already told me, but what can a chimp do, it's a program created by humans!
Hope you got some sleep, lil chimp!